(571) 418-OTOA
"I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children may live in peace."
-Thomas Paine

Signed in as:
(571) 418-OTOA
"I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children may live in peace."
-Thomas Paine
OTOA is a non-profit organization representing tactical teams in the state of Oregon. OTOA provides training and resources to it's members of the tactical team community
Each year, OTOA puts on the Annual Conference & Vendor Show, the Basic SWAT School and the Basic Sniper School (every other year). OTOA is working towards also providing accreditation services for tactical teams.
OTOA does not have any full time staff. Reach us at 571-418-OTOA or at admin@oregontactical.org. Our address is 333 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97302.